29 09, 2020

Elevate 2020 Sponsor – Airmail2 Digital Mailroom for NetDocuments by DocSolid

2021-11-01T08:03:56-07:00September 29th, 2020|Events and Conferences, Presentations and Webinars|

NetDocuments is a DocSolid technology partner

NetDocuments Elevate 2020 Webinar Presentation


DocSolid is proud to be a partnering sponsor for NetDocuments Elevate 2020 Virtual Conference on Oct 6-7, 2020.

View our on-demand webinar for NetDocuments customers, Create a Digital Mailroom with Airmail2.

Sign-up to watch the instant replay webinar here:


ND+DS Airmail2 Webinar Start Screen

Quick Sign-up Form

21 09, 2020

DocSolid Sponsors Iridium Technology (Re)union Virtual Summit

2021-11-01T08:04:36-07:00September 21st, 2020|Events and Conferences, Presentations and Webinars|

Virtual Summit Replay Presentation


DocSolid is proud to be a partnering sponsor for Iridium Technology’s (Re)Union Virtual Summit on September 23-25, 2020.

Attendance at this virtual summit is reserved for Iridium Technology customers, but you are welcome to view the same presentation in our on-demand webinar, Create a Digital Mailroom with Airmail2.

Sign-up to watch the instant replay webinar here:


DocSolid Webinar - Create a Digital Mailroom with Airmail2

Quick Sign-up Form

14 09, 2020

Stinson Deploys DocSolid® Airmail2® Digital Mailroom for Direct Delivery to iManage

2020-12-28T08:31:17-07:00September 14th, 2020|Press Releases|

Digital Mailroom Direct Delivery to iManage Document Management System

DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, announces Am Law 200 firm Stinson LLP, has rolled out Airmail2, the Digital Mailroom solution designed specifically for law firms and the New Normal.  Stinson launched Airmail2 in its main office then deployed to its other US-based offices in less than two weeks.

Law firms with their workforce in home offices have specific, critical needs for digital delivery of legal mail. These needs for DMS integration, efficiency and security all persist when the New Normal workforce returns to the main office.

Airmail2 by DocSolid is engineered from the ground up to solve the productivity and compliance requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of postal mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Press-Release-DocSolid-Stinson-AirMail2-FINAL.pdf” title=”Press Release – Stinson Deploys DocSolid Airmail2 Digital Mailroom for Direct Delivery to iManage Document Management System”]

10 06, 2020

Webcast – Design a Digital Mailroom with Airmail2 for Daily Mail – Association of Legal Administrators

2021-11-01T08:08:11-07:00June 10th, 2020|Presentations and Webinars|


ALA Logo Transparent

Wednesday June 17, 2020
2:00pm Eastern Time


Steve Irons, CEO

Learn more about Airmail2 or sign-up for another live webinar, click the button below.


A Digital Mailroom is now essential to keeping a legal practice productive. Learn how to build a Digital Mailroom by adding Airmail2 to your existing document management system. Paper2Digital delivery of daily mail and document requests is mission-critical for law firms because it keeps matter-related information secure according to a steadfast workflow the practice can rely upon.


  • What did the work from home exodus teach us about paper document dependency?
  • Why is a Digital Mailroom necessary for our new normal?
  • How do you build a Digital Mailroom inside a legal practice?

1 06, 2020

Webinar – Three Legal Tech Leaders Discuss How the “New Normal” Has Changed Law Firm Culture and Technology

2021-11-01T08:05:43-07:00June 1st, 2020|Presentations and Webinars|

Webinar Replay

Legal Tech Leaders

How the “New Normal” Has Changed Law Firm Culture and Technology

Tech Leaders Webinar with DocSolid, Iridium Technologies and ZERØ

Legal Technology Solutions

Cities around the world are beginning to reopen after weeks of shutdown—but we cannot escape the reality that the world has changed. The sudden shift to a distributed workforce is likely to have lasting effects for law firms, but how do we prepare for a far less predictable future? Law firm business and technology leaders are eager to understand the innovations that will help keep employees productive and connected. Join our panel of legal tech executives as they explore what they are hearing from clients during this period of uncertainty and learn how they have helped some of the world’s leading law firms streamline their distributed workforce.

1. How the lives and processes of timekeepers have changed in the wake of this pandemic
2. How to address concerns around long-term productivity and profitability
3. How to identify the technology necessary for law firms to increase efficiency in distributed workforces

Bernie Toledano, Head of Marketing – ZERØ

Steve Irons, President – DocSolid
Tom Jones, CEO – Iridium Technology
Ryan Steadman, CRO – ZERØ

6 04, 2020

Webinar – Airmail2 Solves Work From Home for Daily Mail and Document Requests

2021-11-01T08:06:28-07:00April 6th, 2020|Presentations and Webinars|

Webinar Replay


Steve Irons, CEO

Learn more about Airmail2 or sign-up for another live webinar, click the button below.

This is a preview of Airmail2, the new digital delivery software powered by Postmark. Airmail2 integrates with your DMS for secure, digital delivery of document requests and daily mail to employees working from home. This is a quick briefing for those with busy schedules, just 30 minutes.


  1. The Work From Home imperative
  2. Optimize workflows for Daily Mail and Document Requests
  3. Early Customer Program

12 03, 2020

DocSolid Introduces Postmark Scan for iManage Work10

2021-11-01T08:13:42-07:00March 12th, 2020|Press Releases|

Better scan workflows now span the iManage solution suite

DocSolid’s Postmark brand of Paper2Digital solutions for law firms is tightly integrated with iManage Work 10. Using Postmark Scan, paper documents are pre-profiled in the iManage client application so it is a familiar process for users. This method of structured scanning shifts the work of scanning, quality control and shredding to support staff.

“We are a longtime user of Postmark Scan, and we considered it a necessary component of our company’s transition to iManage Work10,” said Mike O’Meara, Network DMS Administrator at Express Services. “Now we have the entire iManage platform ready to take us into the future, including paper capture with Postmark.”


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/PR-DocSolid-iManage-Work10-Optimized.pdf” title=”PR DocSolid iManage Work10 Optimized”]

21 01, 2020

ILTA Event – The Paper2Digital Law Firm: Lessons From The Trenches

2021-11-01T08:28:58-07:00January 21st, 2020|Events and Conferences|

The Paper2Digital Law Firm: Lessons From The Trenches

YOU’RE INVITED! – Wednesday January 29, 2020
12:00pm – 1:30pm Eastern Time
Lunch Included

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Join us for an informative presentation by Steve Irons, CEO of DocSolid

Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote PC
Two PPG Place
Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Attendees, please sign in at the security desk and proceed to the 2nd floor.

When & Where

Wednesday January 29, 2020
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm Eastern Time
Location: Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote PC
Two PPG Place | Suite 400 | Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Lunch Included | Attendees, please sign in at the security desk and proceed to the 2nd floor.

View larger map for directions.


  • The seven key impediments to Paper2Digital progress and examples how each impediment was overcome by law firm clients.
  • Paper2Digital measurement tool: The session addresses the question; on a macro level: How can we measure Paper2Digital progress at our firm?
  • eBook, The Power of One – How to Create a Single Source of Truth for Matter File.

About DocSolid
DocSolid creates, sells and supports the PostmarkTM brand of Paper2Digital® software for optimized scanning, printing, and shredding. These patented solutions are enterprise-level implementations deployed with unmatched consulting expertise that reduces the costs, risks and inefficiencies of paper records for leading law firms and corporate legal departments. Thousands of users worldwide rely on Postmark powered workflows integrated with iManage, NetDocuments, OpenText eDOCS, Worldox, SharePoint, Thomson Elite, Aderant, LegalKey and Chrome River.

19 12, 2019

Audio Interview with Frank Schipani – NetDocuments Powered by Postmark

2023-05-11T07:09:01-07:00December 19th, 2019|Case Studies|

Frank Schipani

Frank Schipani

Learn from Frank’s experience deploying NetDocuments powered by Postmark, the Paper2Digital software platform by DocSolid. There are some great tactical details that are sure to help you succeed with a Paper2Digital transformation of your own.

This audio recording originated from a live webinar co-hosted by NetDocuments and DocSolid.

Frank has also posted his story on LinkedIn.

NetDocuments + DocSolid
The Power of One eBook

Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

31 10, 2019

1-Day Denver Lunch Event Emerging Law Firm Compliance and Privacy WED Nov. 13, 2019

2021-11-01T08:26:58-07:00October 31st, 2019|Events and Conferences|

AllCovered Event with DocSolid and NetDocuments

Emerging Compliance and Privacy Requirements for Law Firms

YOU’RE INVITED! – Wednesday November 13, 2019
11:30pm – 1:00pm Mountain Time
Lunch Included


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Join us for a casual lunch with presentations at

Meet with presenters from All Covered, DocSolid and NetDocuments.

When & Where

Wednesday November 13, 2019
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm Mountain Time
Location: THE PALM – Denver
1672 LAWRENCE STREET | Denver, CO 80202

Lunch Included | Complimentary valet parking is available at the Westin Denver Downtown Hotel

View larger map for directions.


  • Meeting RFI Requirements: Best Practices & Compliance

    Presented by Ryan Conlan, All Covered

  • Postmark Paper2Digital Solutions for NetDocuments

    Presented by Kent Henderson, DocSolid

  • NetDocuments, Simplified Document Governance from a Single Platform

    Presenter TBD, NetDocuments

About All Covered
Your single point of accountability for all your technology needs. All Covered provides support across the IT spectrum, from optimizing resources, to maintaining infrastructure, to Cloud migrations. With over 1000 engineers in more than 35 locations nationwide, All Covered helps companies through a full range of IT services and technology support. https://www.allcovered.com

About DocSolid
Postmark is the Paper2Digital Platform designed for NetDocuments. Together, NetDocuments and DocSolid drive adoption while reducing the costs, risks and inefficiencies of paper records. Optimize paper workflows with Postmark. Scan paper records into NetDocuments with the simplicity of a stamp and do more with less paper. https://www.docsolid.com/software/postmark-scan/netdocuments

About NetDocuments
NetDocuments is the simple and secure content services platform that provides a single source of truth for document management and creation, enabling organizations across the globe to improve workplace productivity while ensuring sensitive information is never lost or in the wrong hands. https://netdocuments.com

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