10 03, 2021

A How-to Guide to Transform Your Mailroom for the Normal Now

2021-06-16T18:16:36-07:00March 10th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

A How-to Guide to Transform Your Mailroom for the Normal Now

As law firms transition from crisis management to long-term solutions for the Normal Now, a crafted Digital Mailroom is essential. Inbound legal mail needs to get in the DMS, not the email system where it is delayed and exposed.

If your firm is still scanning daily mail to email, how many of these challenges does your firm experience?

  1. The mailroom scanning operation is not integrated with the document management system (DMS).
  2. Scanned mail recipients must use their email inbox as a workflow tool to process daily mail.
  3. From an IT and security perspective, scanned legal mail ends up as unnamed PDF attachments stored in the email server, clogging storage space and compromising security and compliance for the related client information.
  4. After scanning, the physical paper mail is still manually distributed to attorneys’ or assistants’ desks, or stored in a makeshift file area, replicating the labor of the previous paper-based operation, in addition to the new labor for scanning operations.
  5. Attorneys and staff have complaints about the mail scanning results, such as delays, inadequate notifications, misdirected distribution, and scanned file quality issues.

DocSolid is pleased to offer the industry white paper, “7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation,” to help guide firms’ transformation to a fully Digital Mailroom.  It includes:

  • Requirements for Digital Mailroom Operation
  • Why Scan to Email Won’t Cut It
  • How to Assess the Current Mailroom Operation

Download the white paper here.

Airmail2 by DocSolid is engineered from the ground up to solve the productivity and information security requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of postal mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.

Airmail2 by DocSolid enables clerical operators with minimal training and without login access to the DMS to scan, QC, and directly deliver postal mail in electronic form to the firm’s DMS of choice.  DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mailroom provides:

    • Scanned mail delivery to iManage and other DMS systems
    • DMS matter lookups when full profiling is required
    • Mapped mail delivery to attorneys and legal assistants with automated notifications
    • Batch workflows for productive alignment with legal office staffing resources
    • Internet hosted or on-premise deployment

Learn more about Airmail2 here.

22 02, 2021

DocSolid Announces “7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation” White Paper Now Available

2021-02-23T08:09:19-07:00February 22nd, 2021|Press Releases|

DocSolid Announces “7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation” White Paper Now Available

PHOENIX, AZ – (February 23, 2021) – DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, announces the white paper, “7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation,” is now available.  Complimentary access is provided here.

With a distributed workforce, law firms have specific, critical needs for digital delivery of legal mail, specifically DMS integration, efficiency, reliability and security.  As the “New Normal: becomes the “Normal Now,” law firms must migrate to sustainable, digital solutions.

Airmail2 by DocSolid is engineered from the ground up to solve the productivity and information security requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of postal mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.

The industry white paper, “7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation,” highlights include:

  • Requirements for Digital Mailroom Operation
  • Scan to Email Won’t Cut It
  • Assess the Current Mailroom Operation

Download the white paper here.

Airmail2 by DocSolid enables clerical operators with minimal training and without login access to the DMS to scan, QC, and directly deliver postal mail in electronic form to the firm’s DMS of choice.  DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mailroom provides:

DocSolid Postmark Stamp Dispenser for Airmail2 Digital Mailroom

Self-adhesive barcoded Postmark stamps offer a familiar postal mail metaphor to simplify the work and enable scanning stacks of mail all at once.
Supplied in 100 ct. rolls.

  • Scanned mail delivery to iManage and other DMS systems
  • DMS matter lookups when full profiling is required
  • Mapped mail delivery to attorneys and legal assistants with automated notifications
  • Batch workflows for productive alignment with legal office staffing resources
  • Internet hosted or on-premise deployment

 “As law firms transition from crisis management to long-term solutions for the Normal Now, a crafted Digital Mailroom is essential. Inbound legal mail needs to get in the DMS, not the email system where it is delayed and exposed. We’re pleased to offer this guide to the industry to help them with this critical transformation,” said Steve Irons, CEO of DocSolid. 

3 02, 2021

Sterne Kessler Adopts DocSolid® Airmail2® Suite: Digital Mailroom and Digital Records Room for iManage Work 10

2021-02-05T07:41:26-07:00February 3rd, 2021|Press Releases|

Sterne Kessler Adopts DocSolid® Airmail2® Suite: Digital Mailroom and Digital Records Room for iManage Work 10

PHOENIX, AZ – (February 3, 2021) – DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, announces NLJ 500 firm, Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox has implemented the Airmail2 Digital Mailroom and companion Digital Records Room for direct delivery of daily mail and matter files to the firm’s document management system, iManage Work 10.

Productivity for both home and in-office workers is a high priority as firms transition from the unexpected challenges of 2020 to the “Normal Now” of 2021. Paper-free workflows and real estate compression strategies are central to this; however, neither remote work nor real estate compression can be achieved without the digital transformation of mailroom and Records Room processes.

DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mail + Records Suite transforms a firm’s paper-based mailroom and Records Room functions into streamlined, digital operations supporting work-from-home and return-to-office strategies. The Airmail2 Suite provides scanned delivery of sensitive and time-dependent mail and file requests via the document management system (DMS), enabling firms to govern, secure, and distribute information efficiently, per policy and individual client guidelines.

“We have re-vamped our scan capture solution set with DocSolid and Airmail2,” said Shawn Mitkowski, CIO at Stern Kessler. “The operational productivity, tight iManage integration, and innovative roadmap of the Airmail2 system drives our firm’s digital transformation.”

“To be efficient, secure and always-on for our clients, Sterne Kessler needs attorneys work-ready at home or back in the office,” said Robert Burger, COO at Stern Kessler. “That means we need to be digital. DocSolid’s new Airmail2 solutions are built for these times, to move paper into our digital processes and disciplines.”

“Sterne Kessler already had sharpened digital ambitions,” said Steve Irons, President of DocSolid. “With our new Airmail2 Suite, they now operate a Digital Mailroom and a Digital Records Room, cranked up in productivity, security and process quality. We’re honored to take the field with them.”

The Airmail2 Digital Mailroom enables clerical operators with minimal training and without login access to the DMS to scan, QC, and directly deliver postal mail in electronic form to the firm’s DMS of choice.

The Airmail2 Digital Records Room builds a digitization project to convert paper records for storage in the document management system, so that firms can downsize their office real estate footprint, and deliver requested files digitally for home workers.

Both systems provide:

    • Scanned mail and file integration with iManage and other DMS systems
    • Mapped mail and file delivery to recipients and proxies with custom notifications
    • DMS matter integration for search, profiling and storage, but operators don’t have DMS logins
    • Built-in quality controls to ensure confident shredding
    • Batch workflows for productive and flexible alignment with staffing resources
    • Simple deployment with Web-based clients, pre-built DMS integrations and universal scan device support

1 02, 2021

Makeshift Mail Scanning – A Fire Drill on the Verge of a Train Wreck?

2021-02-01T11:22:02-07:00February 1st, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Law firms were forced to develop new habits to handle work during the pandemic. Physical mail delivery is no exception. Some solutions were carefully thought out, but like many problems solved at the start of the ‘stay at home’ orders, many are still running in the same way as when they got cobbled together as an emergency response. Just for fun let’s take a look at some of the fire drill mail delivery routines we have come across that were hurriedly put in place.

Our point, of course, is to shed light on the fact that your law firm cannot keep operating in emergency response mode when it comes to processing mail. The daily mail is essential to a law firm because much of it is matter related and response times often have absolute due dates. For law firms operating with a distributed workforce, all those paper records arriving at the main office create bottlenecks that slow productivity and create other inefficiencies.

Multi-national Law Firm 1. Dropping scanned mail to a folder on the network – quick and dirty right? Well those of us in IG have been battling unstructured file share repositories for years, yet here is another one! First there is no way to notify you when you specifically receive new mail, so all the employees in the firm have to be notified at once when the mail scanning work is completed. This means, you get notified via email every day, whether you have new mail that requires your attention, or not. Important mail gets processed out of these folders maybe making it into the DMS where it ultimately belongs- and some legal assistants are good at doing duplicate file clean up, but it is basically a redundant repository accumulating matter related documents on a regular basis as it competes with the intended official repository for matter files in the document management system. 

US AMLAW 200 Law Firm 2. This stuff is important! Let’s get executives involved. Everyone was safely sent to work at home or furloughed, but after several important client mailings and invoices were missed, something had to be done quickly. Emergency commandment: hire couriers to deliver the postal mail to the senior managers at  home. Executives sorting firm mail in their kitchens! A new job skill for law firm executives. If the courier logistics were not enough, the sorted mail gets couriered again, or may be scanned at home. All of these operational gymnastics are just to to achieve the simple, but essential, task of getting your firm’s postal mail to the intended recipient.

Yet Another Firm 3. once a makeshift scan-to-email solution was in place, the attorneys complained 1) excess notifications filling up his precious email inbox with scans of items that mostly have already been received, 2) Delivering the physical mail after the scan to the practice area anyway – just in case. Great, so your legal assistants and partners are doing double work to sort the mail. Good luck accounting for all that in time and billings, 3) Attorneys and associates missed their ‘grey mail’ too. Though this was not business-critical correspondence, it meant that the practicing law person missed sign up dates for required continuing education events! 

So, I hope do you want to go through this again: being dependent on someone else to decide what mail is valuable and how quickly you need it, random, intermittent and duplicative ways to get it. You never intended for work-from-home to become the rule rather than the exception, but it’s 2021 so the time has come to start rationalizing the normal now. Otherwise, that postal mail of yours is a fire drill headed for becoming an absolute train wreck. 

How do we resolve this? A safe, reliable, structured and scalable system must be settled on. This involves a top-down re-assessment of the daily mail operation in terms of the people, process and tools involved. Look for the smart solution. It is out there, if you know where to look for it. 


18 01, 2021

Three Keys to Remodeling Your Digital Mailroom

2021-02-22T12:59:09-07:00January 18th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Three Keys to Remodeling Your Digital Mailroom

Congratulations! You weathered the onslaught of the pandemic and transitioned to distributed work from home offices. That home office relocation is looking permanent for much of your workforce so it is time to harden the systems that make a work-from-home (WFH) law firm function. A Digital Mailroom is one such system. Using existing scan-to-email utilities at the outset of the pandemic is not an effective permanent solution for a law firm’s mail operation. It was never intended to be, but most legal practices are just beginning to reconsider how essential operations like daily mail will function with a distributed workforce. It is now time to remodel your Digital Mailroom into a permanent, effective operation.

Your firm isn’t going back to paper mail delivery distributed to desks in the city offices. That was a faulty, antiquated process anyway. Digital is better – you just need some finishing work to make it a reliable, secure operation. Your attorneys and staff need to stay productive anywhere they work. Legal technology professionals are now considering the daily mail operation as one of their firm’s greatest opportunities to improve. It’s time to make your Digital Mailroom a permanent fixture of your remodeled law firm.

Here are three keys to remodeling your Digital Mailroom:

  • Deliver legal mail to the document management system (DMS)
  • Embed quality controls, monitoring and reporting
  • Make the mailroom operation simple and efficient

Deliver legal mail to the DMS, not to email. Legal mail is mission critical and time-sensitive, and it contains confidential client information. Once mail items are scanned, the PDF files are destined for the DMS, their permanent home. It’s easy to set up daily mail folders for each DMS user, and when scanned mail items arrive, the DMS provides a move function so that users (or support staff) can place the PDFs into the proper matter folder. Routing scanned legal mail items through the email system is inefficient, and it’s a multi-faceted security risk.  Using the email system to distribute scanned legal mail is not an acceptable long term solution.

Embed quality controls, monitoring and reporting in the Digital Mailroom solution. Perfectly scanned mail items delivered reliably each day to waiting attorneys – that’s the standard. Attorneys working at home don’t have nearby staff to fix errors or tweak process for them. The Digital Mailroom should have embedded software and process to ensure quality. Did every received mail item get scanned, with all pages and image quality checked, and the envelop scanned as a last page? Is the mailroom technology connected to a help desk to assist when needed? Can we run reports to track volumes and productivity, so that peak days, growth and operational efficiencies can be anticipated?

Make the mailroom operation simple and efficient. We hear many stories about how all sorts of exceptions and process variations were put in place to accommodate attorney requests when a firm first put a makeshift mail scanning operation in place. The result is spotty performance, jagged quality, and a high reliance on clerical staff memory and Post-it Note bulletins. A remodeled Digital Mailroom needs a best practice approach with software designed expressly for this operation, and repeatable workflows like scanning stacks. This reduces dependency on staff heroics and it establishes much needed reliability in the operation. It also enables repeatability across multiple law office locations, or a better path to mail centralization across offices… A game changer for law firms embracing distributed work.

There you go. Three keys to remodeling your Digital Mailroom, for the better future we’re starting to see. Of course, you will want a good contractor with the proper tools to do this remodeling job. That’s the unmatched expertise you get from DocSolid along with the Airmail2 software you need to create your Digital Mailroom.

Learn much more in this white paper
7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom

2 12, 2020

How to Transform Mailroom Operations for Security, IG and Productivity

2021-02-22T11:54:54-07:00December 2nd, 2020|White Papers and Articles|

ALA Business Partner - DocSolid

How to Transform Mailroom Operations for Security, IG and Productivity

A Permanent Change to How Law Firms Operate


Law firms need a best practice Digital Mailroom operation, not the current scan-to-email workaround, which was a triage solution at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Attorneys and staff working from home must have reliable, secure delivery of daily mail which is arriving at the main office.

The Digital Mailroom remains essential when the workforce returns to the office. A significant part of the workforce will work from home semi-permanently, and it isn’t viable to hand deliver paper mail for those in the office today, and also provide an alternate digital delivery system for those at home.

Law firms are critically dependent on in-bound paper mail from clients, courts, opposing counsel and research sources. Some of these paper mail items mandate a calendared response, or contain sensitive client information, or crucial matter content. Starting now, inbound paper mail needs digital delivery, all of the time, for everyone.

25 11, 2020

ALA: A Digital Mailroom Built for Law Firms in the New Normal

2021-11-01T11:34:05-07:00November 25th, 2020|White Papers and Articles|

ALA Business Partner - DocSolid

A Digital Mailroom Built for Law Firms in the New Normal


As we continue to find ourselves working outside of our usual offices, many law firms are finding that they need a Digital Mailroom, not an ad hoc scan-to-email workaround. That was a mere triage solution at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Attorneys and staff working from home require reliable, secure delivery of inbound daily postal and overnight mail arriving at the main office. And they need on-call access to paper records back in the main office file rooms. A productive, secure Digital Mailroom operation is the most practical solution.

A Digital Mailroom also remains essential when the workforce returns to the office. A significant part of the workforce will continue to work from home semi- permanently, and it won’t be viable to hand-deliver paper mail for those in the office while also providing an alternate digital delivery for those at home. Legal mail needs digital delivery, all the time, for everyone.

Law firms are uniquely dependent on inbound paper documents from clients, courts, opposing counsel and research efforts. Some of these paper items mandate a calendared response, or contain sensitive client information or crucial matter content.


1 11, 2020

7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom White Paper by DocSolid

2025-02-07T15:37:04-07:00November 1st, 2020|Featured, White Papers and Articles|

7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom 2nd Ed.

Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security PDF
  • Digital distribution of daily mail is mission-critical

  • Legal mail must be delivered to the DMS, not as ungoverned PDF email attachments

  • A Digital Mailroom operation can be transformational

SOLUTION: Define the requirements for your law firm’s Digital Mailroom operation

Upgrading to a structured Digital Mailroom operation surfaces specific requirements, which should be documented and accounted for. Productivity, security and reliability are essential.

Scanning sensitive client information and sending those documents to the recipient(s) as email attachments increases the firm’s exposure to a variety of security risks. It also impedes process integrity and undermines a firm’s information governance.

Daily mail is mission critical so digital delivery is essential.

Customer Success

DocSolid® Airmail2® Selected as Digital Mailroom by Maslon LLP, for Direct Delivery of Daily Mail to NetDocuments

“With Airmail2, sensitive mail information goes from the mailroom directly into NetDocuments, where it is protected and governed by our DMS best practices. And Airmail2 leverages our broader use of the DocSolid Paper2Digital platform, and its integrations with NetDocuments.”

– Jamie Blomquist, CIO Maslon

Customer Success

Stinson Deploys DocSolid® Airmail2® Digital Mailroom for Direct Delivery to iManage Document Management System

Inbound legal mail needs to get in the DMS, not the email system where it is delayed and exposed. Airmail2 is a digital pivot into the times ahead.”

– Steve Irons, President DocSolid

Fill out this form for immediate, complimentary access to this white paper


Airmail2 Cloud Software Platform Integrations Banner

5 10, 2020

DocSolid® Airmail2® Selected as Digital Mailroom by Minneapolis Firm, Maslon LLP, for Direct Delivery of Daily Mail to NetDocuments

2020-12-28T08:29:36-07:00October 5th, 2020|Press Releases|

“With Airmail2, sensitive mail information goes from the mailroom directly into NetDocuments, where it is protected and governed by our DMS best practices. And Airmail2 leverages our broader use of the DocSolid Paper2Digital platform, and its integrations with NetDocuments.”

– Jamie Blomquist, CIO of Maslon

“Airmail2 is DocSolid’s comprehensive solution for the New Normal challenge – to securely, reliably and efficiently deliver legal documents to a distributed workforce and to socially distanced in-house teams. Maslon is overcoming these new workplace challenges with our Digital Mailroom, as well as our companion Paper2Digital solutions to digitize the file room and the broader legal practice.”

– Steve Irons, President of DocSolid

“NetDocuments works with our customers to establish efficiency and compliance for legal matters. Airmail2 from DocSolid is an innovative and timely Digital Mailroom solution to extend that strategy to the last major point of entry for legal paper documents, daily mail.”

– Bradlee Duncan, Director of Product Management at NetDocuments

DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mailroom provides:

  • Scanned mail delivery to NetDocuments and other DMS systems
  • Mapped digital mail delivery to attorneys and legal assistants with automated notifications
  • Batched workflows for productive alignment with legal office staffing resources
  • DMS matter lookups when full profiling is required
  • Internet hosted or on-premise deployment


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Press-Release-DocSolid-Maslon-Airmail2-FINAL.pdf” title=”Press Release DocSolid Maslon Airmail2″]

30 09, 2020

Law Firm Scanned Mail Should Not be Delivered by Email

2023-09-22T11:43:16-07:00September 30th, 2020|Paper2Digital Blog, White Papers and Articles|

Law Firm Scanned Mail Should Not be Delivered by Email

Email Danger Icon

Also published on LegalTech News
Also published on LegalTech News

When the pandemic sent the workforce to home offices, most law firms quickly started scanning daily mail to email inboxes. Facilities management or mailroom staff went into the office and cobbled together a new work process to accommodate this method of digital delivery. But delivering scanned mail via the email system compromises the security, compliance and the integrity of the process.

Email is a highly susceptible point of security and compliance in the lifecycle of matter documents and client information. And it has proven to be a poor workflow management tool and perhaps more importantly, nearly impossible to govern.

Legal documents arriving in daily mail should not be delivered via scan-to-email for these reasons:

  • Scanned documents are stored residually in the email server, unmanaged. Sensitive client information delivered as attachments violates basic principles of information governance regarding storage and access.
  • The email inbox is not a workflow tool and cannot be easily shared with other workers to manage the multi-step process of review, profiling and notification. And there is no way to monitor that every item was properly processed, or even reviewed.
  • Scanned images create larger documents that may violate attachment and/or Inbox size limitations. Not to mention bloated message stores that create headaches for IT managers.
  • Email messages are a key attack vector for phishing attempts while email attachments are a significant source of malware. Building a mission-critical application on arguably the weakest link in the IT infrastructure would never be advised if starting from scratch.

Clients pay attention to this.  Year over year, the ACC survey of Chief Legal Officers show that the governance and management of their information is a top concern. Accordingly, law firms have invested heavily in document management systems (DMS) to store client information. The DMS has become the primary productivity and governance tool for firms to service clients and protect their information. Therefore, the DMS should be the delivery platform for scanned daily mail.

Lawyers and law firms storing documents outside of the DMS expose the firm and its clients to multiple layers of risk—financial, ethical, regulatory and security risks. Such exposure is magnified by a new scan-to-email delivery of legal mail to remote workers.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that our shift in operations to include a home workforce is not temporary. Therefore, law firms need something better than the patched together scan-to-email process established earlier this year.

Forced to use existing copier-based technology, law firms are jamming mission-critical mail delivery through a system designed for ad hoc use where scanning occurs one document at a time. Quality checks are difficult and unstructured, evidenced by the fact that scanned mail is still retained in makeshift filing boxes, or delivered to empty desks for later pickup and review.

If the firm’s existing scanning system and email platform is not well suited to take on this important application, what does a modern, compliant mailroom operation look like?

The modern mailroom is a digital operation, comprised of software, process and clerical workers. The operation is founded on productivity, security and reliability. Software and process enables current clerical staff to work efficiently and with minimal training. They scan, QC, and securely deliver daily mail as searchable PDFs to a legal practitioner’s daily mail folder in the DMS, e.g. iManage or NetDocuments. Digital mail delivered into the DMS should accommodate the options of delivering to attorneys, their assistants, profiling staff, or even directly into the matter when teams are sharing work.

Mailroom software should make DMS deliveries using existing secure methods, but not require mailroom operators to have DMS logins. Nor should mailroom operators need to learn complex profiling procedures, or unique and changing delivery preferences and notifications for mail recipients. The solution must support batching of work – such as profiling, stack scanning, and QC checking. It should enable scanning with in-place multi-function copiers or scanners, without adding hardware, software, or requiring complex or error-prone keystroking while standing at an office machine.

To provide operational integrity, firms will also need automated quality controls for the process, a remote help desk and reporting.

The good news is that a Digital Mailroom, run optimally, now routinely digitizes the biggest remaining flow of inbound paper documents – daily mail. The better news is that longstanding Paper2Digital® initiatives will now accelerate, without the pushback from attorneys who insist on paper files. A Digital Mailroom now becomes the driver towards a conclusive Paper2Digital® transformation.

About the Author
In his role as VP of Customer Success, David Guilbault provides strategic vision and management for the Customer Success program and the Consulting Practice. Dave is a U.S. patent holder with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern Maine with more than two decades of experience in document solutions.

David Guilbault, VP of Customer Success

David Guilbault

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