22 07, 2021

NetDocuments + Airmail2 Webinar July 28, 2021 – Create a Digital Mail and Records Room

2021-07-22T14:38:42-07:00July 22nd, 2021|Presentations and Webinars|

Webinar Sign-up

Date: July 28, 2021
Time: 11:00am EDT

Create a Digital Mail and Records Room with NetDocuments + Airmail2

ALA Business Partner - DocSolid

FOR DAILY MAIL: Learn how to create a Digital Mail Room using your firm’s existing document management system with Airmail2.
FOR RECORDS: The Digital Records Room targets the firm’s existing file rooms to reduce a firm’s real estate footprint.

Daily mail is mission critical and much of it contains confidential client information so digital delivery is essential. Attorneys need their daily mail and matter-related paper records sitting back at the main office while they are working from a home office or any place they choose.

The Digital Records Room targets the firm’s existing file rooms to reduce a firm’s real estate footprint. Gain insights from our featured guest panelist, Jamie Blomquist – CIO Maslon, a NetDocuments + Airmail2 customer.

Learn innovative ways to keep a legal practice productive for home workers. Batch the work and optimize workflows by scanning stacks of paper all at once with the press of one button using any copier or scanning device.

NetDocuments + Airmail2 keeps attorneys productive while working securely in the office, working from a home office, or any place they choose.


1. Digitize daily mail for a distributed workforce with secure delivery via NetDocuments
2. Rethinking office space without a records room
3. How the NetDocuments + Airmail2 integration works with barcode labels and batch work


  • Steve Irons – President, DocSolid
  • Bradlee Duncan – Director, Product Management at NetDocuments
  • Jamie Blomquist – CIO Maslon

14 07, 2021

DocSolid White Paper “Law Offices Get Smaller, Records Rooms Get Digital” 

2021-07-14T06:53:08-07:00July 14th, 2021|Press Releases|

DocSolid White Paper “Law Offices Get Smaller, Records Rooms Get Digital”

PHOENIX, AZ – (July 14, 2021) – DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, announces the white paper, “Law Offices Get Smaller, Records Rooms Get Digital,” is now available.  Law firms are facing a tremendous opportunity to reduce real estate, but paper-based records rooms are an obstacle to this.  DocSolid’s VP of Customer Success, David Guilbault, helps law firms understand how to eliminate their paper-based records rooms in this free, white paper available here.

Real estate is the second biggest expense for a law firm. As firms strategize real estate compression plans, eliminating floor space required for records rooms and ad hoc paper file storage is key. Not only that, but the new hybrid workforce of in-house and at-home attorneys cannot be supported securely or efficiently when records room workflows are paper-based.

The DocSolid white paper, “Law Offices Get Smaller, Records Rooms Get Digital” outlines a digital records room strategy and implementation plan. A digital records room is a firm-wide system of software, workflow and services, to digitize paper records to the DMS (including iManage or NetDocuments), replacing paper file rooms.

Jamie Blomquist, CIO at Maslon, comments: “There are essentially three use cases for transitioning to a Digital Records Room: reduce costs by reducing the footprint of paper so we can optimize our office space for higher value work; improve productivity and help attorneys have anywhere access to their files; and lastly, driving our paper files into one centralized DMS file helps us govern and reduce risk better.”


The white paper includes insights from information governance and records professionals and details IG and security requirements for a best practice digital records room such as:

  1. Tight DMS / RMS integration with leading industry platforms such as iManage, NetDocuments and FileTrail
  2. Vendor DMS expertise and solution flexibility so that a firm’s DMS customizations can be accommodated
  3. In-house and outsourced staff empowered with DMS profiling-scanning capability without DMS logins
  4. Enterprise software that matches a firm’s security regime
  5. Avoidance of scan-to-email attachments or new operating repositories
  6. Built-in auditing of the overall capture process, down to the document level
  7. Paper document disposition-retention-shredding built into the process
  8. Ability to segregate processes for confidential content e.g., HR documents

“Information governance professionals have long advocated for electronic records. Previously this was driven by the governance and security of sensitive client information. Now, the business case of real estate reduction has transformed this desire into a necessity. We are thrilled to provide the technology enabling this vital operation and helping our customers achieve success,” adds David Guilbault, VP of Customer Success at DocSolid.

For more information about the DocSolid white paper, “Law Firms Get Smaller, Records Rooms Get Digital” go here.

28 06, 2021

Law Firms Go Hybrid, Records Rooms Go Digital White Paper by DocSolid

2025-02-06T12:28:14-07:00June 28th, 2021|Featured, White Papers and Articles|

Law Firms Go Hybrid,
Records Rooms Go Digital
Free White Paper 2nd Ed.

  • Eliminate the firm’s paper footprint for real estate optimization

  • Keep attorneys and staff productive wherever they work

  • Stop the flow of paper records to offsite storage

Now is the time for the Paper2Digital® transformation firms have been delaying. Law firms today are presented with two key transformational catalysts:

  1. Attorneys have embraced technology and digital skills to enable their work from home preferences.
  2. Firm office lease expenses can be greatly reduced in conjunction with a smaller in-office workforce.

Customer Success

“There are essentially three use cases for transitioning to a Digital Records Room: reduce costs by reducing the footprint of paper so we can optimize our office space for higher value work; improve productivity and help attorneys have anywhere access to their files; and lastly, driving our paper files into one centralized DMS file helps us govern and reduce risk better.”

– Jamie Blomquist, CIO at Maslon

Customer Success

“The Digital Records Room was a key component of building a truly comprehensive information governance environment.”

– Deb Rifenbark, CIGO, IGP, CRM, Director of Information Governance, Stinson LLP

Fill out this form for immediate, complimentary access to this white paper

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16 06, 2021

Why is DMS Integration so Pivotal for Digital Mail and Records?

2021-06-17T12:33:24-07:00June 16th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Why is DMS Integration so Pivotal for Digital Mail and Records?

A System of Record is Requisite to Information Governance and Managing Risk

In the beginning, document management was a system used to manage versions and eliminate the risk of sending the wrong version to clients. Documents could be more easily shared and re-used when stored in a managed library.

As the market matured, four things happened to change the economics and structure of the market for systems of record solutions and help move this market across the chasm.

  1. In the wake of a dramatic increase in compliance and risk-based concerns (Enron, SarBox, FRCP), organizations realized that they needed better control over their silos.
  2. SharePoint disrupted the market by entering at the low end.
  3. Users realized that they were spending too much on all of their silos.
  4. Users realized that they could only automate across departments if they did something about[1]

Fast forward to today and we see that the top five issues keeping Chief Legal Officers[2] awake at night, three pertain to how law firms handle of their records, including:

  1. Protection of corporate data
  2. Governance and management of data
  3. Ethics and compliance requirements

Why DMS is Necessary

Client information must be managed within the technology framework of the document management system (DMS).  Only through the technology of the DMS can we deliver security and the effective, timely, and consistent disposal of physical and electronic information that no longer needs to be retained should be a core component of any Information Governance program.

Email (for better or for worse often) is a corporate “record” just like any other document. Email is the de facto standard for business communication across organizations at this time. Just as any other type of business information and record, email must be included as part of, and adhered to, the organizational standards addressing information and records.

Therefore, scanning inbound postal mail via email is creating a new record that must be filed in the document management system.  This is an inefficient, laborious process that puts unnecessary labor on the part of the attorneys who must then file the email.

There are other options such as sending inbound postal mail via the DMS directly to the attorneys without using email.  This eliminates the inefficiency of sending via email and protects the firm’s information governance processes.

The Digital Mailroom enables productive, secure delivery of daily mail directly into the DMS. Learn more by downloading our free guide, 7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation

[1] https://info.aiim.org/aiim-blog/newaiimo/2010/10/20/systems-of-record-and-systems-of-engagement

[2] 2018 ACC Chief Legal Officer Survey

1 06, 2021

5 Steps to Get Information Governance Policy to Control Your Mailroom

2022-06-15T13:11:40-07:00June 1st, 2021|Featured, White Papers and Articles|

5 Steps to Get Information Governance Policy to Control Your mailroom

Distributed work in some capacity or other is here to stay, and if that means continuing to scan inbound postal mail as an attachment to an attorney’s email, this brings us to the question: Should we be concerned about IG now?

Should the mailroom now be owned by the information governance arm of the firm?

Pre-pandemic, this wasn’t a necessary consideration. Then, when the pandemic hit and sent the workforce to home offices, most law firms quickly started scanning to email to get the mail out. Facilities management or available clerical staff went into the office and cobbled together this new work process. In the midst of the crisis and no indication of its duration, it is likely to say that no firm had information governance on its mind once again.

Mail has been a perfunctory function aligned with other physical office services, but the pandemic shifted mail to a critical, and digital operation. The proportion of U.S. lawyers who now want to work remotely at least one day a week has doubled from the pre-pandemic period.

5 Steps to Control Your mailroom

Legaltech News Article

5 05, 2021

Quality Control Over Your Mail and Records Processes

2022-07-13T09:06:57-07:00May 5th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Quality Control over your Mail and Records Processes

Quality Control and Shredding Documents

The payback for scanning paper documents is never fully released until shredding occurs. Continuing to distribute, store and manage paper physically after it is made digital is inefficient, posing a risk to your clients and ultimately the firm. Unfortunately, the decision to shred is a big one for a firm and so is often delayed indefinitely seeking that “perfect” time or set of circumstances to make such a move.

Quality control over your Mail and Records Processes

A carefully defined, quality control procedure ensuring the digital version accurately represents the physical document could give firm leaders the confidence to shred thereby reaping the benefits from scanning.

Digital Mail and Quality Control

Firms jumped on scanning mail at the start of the pandemic. But most are still distributing mail physically requiring duplicate effort and creating an information governance nightmare. Instead, after each item is scanned, a good quality control procedure should stage the paper in a box ordered by date for a comfortable retention period, say 60 days. This makes it easy to retrieve a physical item when required and bulk destruction once the retention period ends.

DocSolid’s Postmark Platform makes a reliable quality control (QC) procedure possible by turning it into repeatable steps that are easily trained and implemented. Postmark QC innovative and patented workflow ensures that all documents and pages were scanned correctly as well as delivered to the recipient (mail) or requestor (records).

In addition, Postmark QC also instructs the quality control operator on disposition i.e., what should happen to the paper document after it has undergone the various quality checks. This combination of checking image quality, delivery and disposition forms a robust procedure meant to be repeatable and productive, or put another way highly reliable.

The high-level of reliability provides you the confidence necessary to promote shredding as a critical step in your firm’s paper2digital journey.

Interested in learning more? Check out 7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation White Paper by DocSolid.

28 04, 2021

ALA Webcast May 4, 2021 Sign-up Here

2021-11-01T11:34:42-07:00April 28th, 2021|Events and Conferences|

Webinar Sign-up

Date: May 4, 2021
Time: 12:00pm EDT

How to Create a Digital Mailroom + Records Room

ALA Business Partner - DocSolid


Learn how to create a Digital Mailroom and a Digital Records Room with your existing document management system using Airmail2. Daily mail is mission critical with confidential and time-sensitive client information. Digitizing the records room is an essential part of firms’ reducing their real estate footprint.

Law firms are uniquely dependent on inbound paper documents from clients, courts, opposing counsel and research efforts. Some of these paper items mandate a calendared response, or contain sensitive client information or crucial matter content.

Learning Objectives

  1. 7 reasons digital mail is essential for a distributed workforce
  2. Optimize daily mail workflows with a batch process into the DMS
  3. Smarter office real estate compression with a digital records room

Webinar Co-sponsored by Canon USA

20 09, 2023

Does Your Firm’s Information Governance Policy Include the Mailroom?

2023-09-20T14:04:56-07:00September 20th, 2023|Paper2Digital Blog|

Does Your Information Governance Policy Include the Mailroom?

Should the mailroom be owned by the information governance arm of the firm? It has been a perfunctory function aligned with other physical office services, but now with fee earners and legal staff frequently working from home, it is mission critical. Mail workflows launch new work, and therefore often billable activity. This means matter centric record creation is starting right from mail delivery, not from a stack of mail sitting on a desk.

Since scanning and document description is involved, it is more technical as well. In short, no matter who this process belongs to organizationally, it needs to be a part of your well thought out information governance policy, and refined on an ongoing basis, just like any other records management.

Inbound mail contains time sensitive client information. The pandemic and work from home led to ad-hoc scanning that was envisioned to be a temporary fix. But if you are still delivering mail physically or re-delivering again after scanning portions of the mail, you are missing an opportunity to elevate this form of record keeping to align it with your information governance policies. Make it digital on arrival and digital only.

The mailroom is now the biggest source of where digital has not yet happened. What if you looked at it as that place where the creation of a fully functional and complete digital matter file (DMF) begins? Digitize all new paper immediately upon arrival.

Digitizing the mail, it will be delivered securely into a document repository (a.k.a. document management system) where it belongs right from the beginning. The document is profiled, put where it belongs, and OCR makes it immediately searchable.  It is actually pretty easy to elevate this process and get control.

Daily Mail Flowchart for a Digital Mailroom

Daily Mail Digital Delivery Flowchart

Five Tips for Improving Information Governance with a Digital Mailroom

  1. Establish the recipients, and which teams they belong to. You are already getting detail requests of “if you get this, send it there”, or “copy to my secretary/staff…” Formalize it!
  2. If you are not scanning directly to the DMS, you could be, and you should be. This allows images to be routed immediately to specific recipients or someone who can evaluate the importance and take action.
  3. Arm and educate your mailroom staff. Records staff are more valuable when they understand the distinctions among various transactions and their business purpose, right? Same here. Naming conventions are important. Basic examples of the types of mail that determine how mail is rough sorted upon intake, etc.
  4. Officially ‘add’ mail to your records policy and retentions. We know the filtered target documents already have a home here, but there are steps and process before that is determined. And 40% of mail can be “left on the cutting room floor” after it has been checked for anything of value. Let’s have an appropriate destruction bucket for that. There is productivity to be gained from not handling the physical paper any more than is necessary.
  5. If your firm is multi-office, you do have the option to centralize the mail operation – further capitalizing on the efficiencies of the Digital Mailroom. Think of the fully maximized efficiency and savings!

7 04, 2021

Reduce Real Estate by Digitizing Daily Mail and Records – The Right Way

2021-08-30T14:45:50-07:00April 7th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Reduce Real Estate by Digitizing Daily Mail and Records – The Right Way


The ways attorneys prefer to work has transformed. 76 percent now favor remote work, according to the 2021 Peer Monitor and Georgetown Law State of the Legal Industry Report. 

And if attorneys change the way they work, that means everything changes:  from how attorneys receive client mail and request matter files, to large scale financial decisions that affect one of the most expensive costs law firms have after salaries: real estate. 

This is why we shouldn’t be surprised when Sherry Cushman, Vice Chair and Executive Managing Director of Cushman & Wakefield, predicts “The legal sector will be downsizing its real estate needs on average 10% to 30% — and in some cases, 40% to 50%.”  

The opportunity to recapture real estate costs is extremely attractive to law firms, but firms first need to solve the paper-based problems of daily mail and onsite records.

Airmail2 Digital Mailroom Solution Icon
Airmail2 Digital Records Room Solution

Paper2Digital Transformation leads to real estate optimization

When it comes to daily mail, attorneys and staff working from home absolutely require reliable, digital delivery of daily mail. Scan-to-email workarounds were hastily applied at the onset of the COVID-19, but now the mailroom needs to be made into a durable, permanent and secure operation. 

Legal mail items contain client information, and the methods for processing them digitally should incorporate the same standards applied for all client data at the firm. In retrospect, building a daily mail delivery process based upon email was not a good idea.

A best practice Digital Mailroom operation delivers mail directly to the DMS where sensitive information can be delivered securely and governed according to firm policy. A best practice digital records room is similar, building a digitization project for scanning large volumes of paper records and storing them in the document management system. Built-in quality controls enable confident shredding of the scanned documents. It’s a Paper2Digital Transformation that can make entire file rooms disappear.

These are best practices focused on the critical paper-based workflows inside the law firm. The value proposition is strong just based on eliminating the costs and inefficiencies of paper records and nothing more. However, a multitude of other high value, and high visibility, goals become possible including; repurposed office space, hoteling, and downsizing. Beyond the tangible cost savings, these digital workflows are required to keep attorneys and staff productive, no matter where they may choose to work on any given day.

DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mail + Records Suite transforms a firm’s paper-based mailroom and Records Room functions into streamlined, digital operations supporting both work-from-home and return-to-office strategies simultaneously, while enabling firms to optimize their real estate.

The Airmail2 Suite provides scanned delivery of sensitive and time-dependent mail and file requests via the document management system (DMS), enabling firms to govern, secure, and distribute information efficiently, according to policy and in keeping with individual client guidelines. 


More can be learned about the benefits of transforming mailroom operations in our industry white paper:
7 Reasons to Upgrade to a Digital Mailroom Operation .


30 03, 2021

8 Reasons Why CIOs Love Airmail2 Digital Mailroom

2021-03-30T10:16:34-07:00March 30th, 2021|Paper2Digital Blog|

Law firms now need a formal Digital Mailroom operation, moving beyond the scan-to-email workaround established at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Because doing something immediately was driving the decision, the workaround was formulated with little or no consultation with IT or information governance teams.

It has become evident over the past year that attorneys and staff working from home value reliable, digital delivery of daily mail, but it is now time for those mailroom operations to align with firms’ best practices.

For example, scanned legal mail is currently delivered as improperly named PDF attachments stored on Exchange, requiring never-ending growth in storage space at the same time posing a security and compliance risk for the related client.

Legal mail items contain client information, and the methods for processing them digitally should incorporate the same standards applied for all client data at the firm. Email is a key source of phishing and email attachments are a key source of malware. Email attacks are constantly evolving because email represents an open vulnerability for IT systems. In retrospect, building a daily mail delivery process based upon email was not the best idea.

Airmail2 Digital Mailroom was engineered from the ground up to solve the security and compliance requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of daily mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.

Here are the top reasons why CIOs love the Airmail2 Digital Mailroom:

  1. Purpose-built, targeted application replaces the hodge-podge of responses to last year’s immediate need
  2. Moves scanned daily mail storage from the already over-burdened Exchange System to the more scalable DMS repository
  3. Zero footprint deployment to mailrooms across the enterprise, leverages existing scanning devices and workstations
  4. Non-firm personnel, e.g. the facilities management (FM) company can provide Digital Mailroom services because operators do not require access to the DMS
  5. Keeping attachments out of the Outlook Inbox make the information governance (IG) folks happy
  6. Targeted and flexible notifications make attorneys happy and productive: no notification, no mail today
  7. Big opportunity for cost savings by eliminating physical delivery now, and centralizing mailrooms in the future
  8. Wins an important battle in getting attorneys to act more digitally by capturing (digitizing) incoming paper at the point of receipt, the mailroom

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