2 05, 2017

DocSolid Announces Technology Partnership with iManage

2021-08-19T08:26:36-07:00May 2nd, 2017|Press Releases|

DocSolid, the leader in enterprise scanning, workflow, and paper reduction solutions for the legal market announces the company has become an iManage technology partner and has expanded iManage integration of DocSolid’s KwikTag Legal and Postmark products to the iManage Cloud solution. DocSolid will showcase the integration at iManage ConnectLive Chicago, May 24-25 where the company will speak, sponsor, and exhibit. Company president Steve Irons will present “iManage vs Paper Files—How to Win the Battle” to ConnectLive Chicago attendees on the first day of the event, May 24th.

Four of the top ten iManage law firms in the US started Paper2Digital projects with DocSolid in 2016. Law firms and legal departments are increasingly migrating to a fully electronic matter file to improve efficiency, security, and information governance while delivering increased mobility, collaboration, and productivity for attorneys.

DocSolid’s patented KwikTag Legal® and Postmark® solutions digitally tame inbound paper and printout re-filing to close the digital-and-physical-records gap.

DocSolid Partners with iManage

19 04, 2017

How to Solve the Paper Records Workflow That’s Killing Your Firm

2021-08-04T15:25:27-07:00April 19th, 2017|White Papers and Articles|

In DocSolid’s 2016 IG-Records Survey, it was found that 57% of a firm’s formally-filed paper documents were printed directly from the firm’s own paperless document management system. That percentage would grow another 39% if you gathered up all the other DMS-printed paper that is scattered around the firm — on lawyers’ desks, in secretary workstations, and in hallway boxes.

So, if we already have these documents properly stored in the DMS, why do we print, file, store, and archive them as paper?

To start, we print because many attorneys like to work with paper. That is why almost all law firms still run enormous paper filing operations. We keep filing, refiling, moving, and storing DMS-printed paper documents because the filing staff, and even the attorney, aren’t sure if the corresponding electronic version is in the DMS. The paper is filed, and the print-file-store-archive cycle continues.

Paper Workflow Solution for Paperless Law Firms

13 04, 2017

ROI of Going Digital at Lindquist & Vennum

2018-06-27T23:13:28-07:00April 13th, 2017|White Papers and Articles|

Two years ago, Lindquist moved to a fully electronic matter file, and the benefits continue to flow both in the service of our clients and back to the firm, providing substantial savings, productivity and information governance. Here’s a look at what we did.

The process began by accommodating a small group of attorneys who wanted increased mobility and access to their files from remote locations. Their success created momentum within the firm to move to a fully electronic matter file, which we did in January of 2015.

To create the fully electronic matter file, Lindquist needed a productive solution for scanning and integrating documents into the document management system (DMS). Lindquist selected KwikTag Legal because it is an integrated scanning solution that embeds within our existing application software. It manages related paper digitally and scans directly to our existing DMS.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Paper-To-Digital-KwikTag-Legal.pdf”]

22 03, 2017

DocSolid Presents “Making the Business Case for Going Digital” at ALA Annual Conference & Expo

2018-06-27T23:17:08-07:00March 22nd, 2017|Press Releases|

DocSolid, the leader in enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions for the legal market, today announces the company will be exhibiting at Booth #328 at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference & Expo from April 3rd through 5th in Denver. President of DocSolid, Steve Irons, will lead an educational session, “Making the Business Case for Going Digital:  360º of ROI” on Wednesday, April 5th at 12:30pm to provide conference attendees with the concrete ROI attained by medium to large law firms that have successfully implemented Paper2Digital initiatives and achieved fully digital matter files.

The cost and risk of paper records are a severe business burden. Law firms, as a result, are migrating to a fully electronic matter file to improve efficiency and security for their clients, alleviate compliance and audit processes for the firm, and deliver increased mobility, collaboration and productivity for attorneys.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DocSolid-Presents-“Making-the-Business-Case-for-Going-Digital”at-ALA-Annual-Conference-Expo.pdf” title=”DocSolid Presents “Making the Business Case for Going Digital”at ALA Annual Conference & Expo”]

15 03, 2017

DocSolid’s 2017 ILTA Roadshow is coming to your city!

2018-04-04T17:21:48-07:00March 15th, 2017|Paper2Digital Blog|

War Stories – Making the Business Case for Going Digital

The cost and risk of paper records are a severe business burden, negatively impacting the daily workflow of legal attorneys and staff, inflating real estate needs, impeding information governance, and perpetuating offsite records storage. Law firms must address both inbound paper as well as the document prints from the firm’s DMS to close the digital and physical records gap.

We know this, but how can we build the business case and related initiative to solve this? What can you take to your firm’s executive committee to make the case for going digital?

To read more about the 2017 Roadshows and to see dates and locations, click here.


5 03, 2017

DocSolid Announces Technology Integration with NetDocuments

2018-06-27T23:19:46-07:00March 5th, 2017|Press Releases|

DocSolid, the leader in enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions for the legal market, today announced a strategic technology integration with NetDocuments, the leading SaaS document and email management (DMS) provider for law firms and corporate legal departments. DocSolid’s KwikTag Legal® solution now enables NetDocuments customers to seamlessly transition from paper-dependent matter management to a fully electronic matter file in the NetDocuments DMS, allowing firms to improve information governance and compliance while reducing the cost and risk of paper records. This solution will be offered in both licensed and subscription pricing models.

The cost and risk of paper records are a severe business burden. Law firms, as a result, are migrating to a fully electronic matter file to improve efficiency and security for their clients, alleviate compliance and audit processes for the firm, and deliver increased mobility, collaboration, and productivity for attorneys.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DocSolid-Announces-Technology-Integration-with-NetDocuments.pdf”]

2 03, 2017

Making the Business Case for Going Digital: 360 Degrees of ROI

2021-08-04T15:51:49-07:00March 2nd, 2017|White Papers and Articles|

Conventional law firm paper records systems are not sustainable in today’s legal market. More law firms are getting serious about paperless office solutions, for a variety of return on investment (ROI) reasons. The cost, risk, and inefficiencies of paper records are severe business burdens to the practice of law. Removing paper from the document management process improves the speed and quality of service delivery. Aligning a law firm’s paper-to-digital initiative to specific payback targets brings clarity to the return on investment and allows for usage of the 360-degree ROI model.

A formal ROI process, supported by detailed spreadsheets of financial affirmation, is rarely the basis for a law firm moving forward with a paperless office solution. Rather, a long list of obvious payback benefits is cited. The firm begins a project to drive through a sequenced subset of those ROI targets based on the project approach.

DocSolid Making The Business Case For Going Digital- 360 Degrees Of ROI

25 01, 2017

DocSolid Releases Mailman 3 for Enterprise Scan Capture, Introduces Postmaster™ Control Center

2021-08-04T15:16:30-07:00January 25th, 2017|Press Releases|

DocSolid, the leader in enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions for the legal market, today announces the release of Mailman 3, marking a significant generational evolution of the KwikTag® Legal document scanning platform for law firms.  Mailman 3 features a new control module, allowing admins and end users to track the status of their jobs.

KwikTag Legal lets law firms and corporate legal departments reduce the costs associated with paper records.  KwikTag Legal manages paper from the first point of touch into the enterprise, through a scanning and profiling process, with built-in quality control checks to enable confident shredding, integrated with iManage, Open Text EDOCS, Worldox, NetDocuments, Elite and Aderant systems.

17 01, 2017

DocSolid Announces 4 of the Top 10 US Law Firms Begin Paper2Digital Initiatives in 2016

2018-06-27T23:24:23-07:00January 17th, 2017|Press Releases|

DocSolid, the leader in enterprise scanning and less-paper solutions for the legal market, announces 4 of the top 10 biggest US firms began Paper2Digital initiatives with DocSolid in 2016. These firms and others are removing paper burdens from law firm operations and transitioning from paper-dependent matter management to a fully electronic matter file in the document management system.

“We’re seeing a tipping point at large and medium sized firms,” said Steve Irons, President of DocSolid. “The unsustainable paper records habit no longer fits with the productivity demands of fixed fee engagements, or the client standards for security and information governance. We address these mandates with best practice solutions that provide expansive ROI through digital behaviors, yet still let attorneys work with paper when they want to. A holistic approach was what the market was waiting for.”

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.docsolid.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/DocSolid-Announces-4-of-the-Top-10-US-Law-Firms-Begin-Paper2Digital-Initiatives-in-2016-1-1.pdf”]

1 11, 2016

ILTA Webinar – Remove Half the Paper with Innovative Technology

2021-08-19T08:45:55-07:00November 1st, 2016|Presentations and Webinars|

57% of all the paper in law firms is a printout from your firm’s existing electronic file in the document management system (DMS). We print because attorneys and staff sometimes like to work with paper. We don’t need or want to file and store these duplicate documents, but we do: we keep filing, re-filing, moving and storing that paper because we don’t know, for sure, that we already have the most recent, electronic version. This is why one AmLaw 20 firm notes: “The Redweld is a guilt-free trash can.”

Click the video below to view the ILTA Postmark Webinar:

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