Enterprises Need a Paper Lifecycle and Retirement Management Strategy
Today, the majority of enterprises are pursuing a ‘paper to digital’ strategy as part of their digital transformation programmes. However interestingly, many will admit that the strategy hasn’t led to a significant reduction in paper in their business, which is a key objective of such initiatives alongside making cost savings and enhancing data security. The key reason why their efforts are proving to be ineffective is a lack of a complete, end-to-end paper lifecycle and retirement management strategy. This has major implications for the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance too and unfortunately, organisations are inadvertently putting their businesses at extreme risk of non-compliance with this regulation in the absence of such an approach.
Research by DocSolid reveals an interesting scenario, albeit in the legal sector, but one that is likely representative of other professional services and mainstream enterprises too. 57% of all paper in law firms is a printout of existing electronic files stored in their document management system (DMS).
To read the full article by Roy Russell in ITProPortal, click here.