Law Firms Go Hybrid,
Records Rooms Go Digital
Free White Paper 2nd Ed.

  • Eliminate the firm’s paper footprint for real estate optimization

  • Keep attorneys and staff productive wherever they work

  • Stop the flow of paper records to offsite storage

Now is the time for the Paper2Digital® transformation firms have been delaying. Law firms today are presented with two key transformational catalysts:

  1. Attorneys have embraced technology and digital skills to enable their work from home preferences.
  2. Firm office lease expenses can be greatly reduced in conjunction with a smaller in-office workforce.

Customer Success

“There are essentially three use cases for transitioning to a Digital Records Room: reduce costs by reducing the footprint of paper so we can optimize our office space for higher value work; improve productivity and help attorneys have anywhere access to their files; and lastly, driving our paper files into one centralized DMS file helps us govern and reduce risk better.”

– Jamie Blomquist, CIO at Maslon

Customer Success

“The Digital Records Room was a key component of building a truly comprehensive information governance environment.”

– Deb Rifenbark, CIGO, IGP, CRM, Director of Information Governance, Stinson LLP

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Michael Herzog
Author: Michael Herzog

Marketing Director at DocSolid. Professional storyteller and wordsmith. Producer of creative content and business video for legal tech. UX/CX innovator.